By The Fortnite Team

Everyone to the dance floor!
Drop into #EmoteRoyaleContest on TikTok for a chance to have your best moves immortalized in Fortnite. 
How’s it work? Take a video of yourself breaking into an original dance move, then share your submission on TikTok using the hashtag #EmoteRoyaleContest. The winning dance will become an Emote in Fortnite. The winner will also receive 25,000 V-Bucks and a Fortnite VIP giveaway package.
The contest begins January 18, at 12:00 AM PST and will run until January 24, 11:59 PM PST. All entries must be submitted during the contest period. 
Looking for inspiration? Fortnite community creators Jordan Fisher and Pokimane have taken to TikTok to show you how it’s done. Watch their videos and be on the lookout for their Emotes in the Item Shop!
Important: Before getting started, be sure to check out our official contest rules. You must be at least 13 years old and use the pre-selected Fortnite tracks:
Approved #EmoteRoyaleContest Dance Tracks
Now’s your chance to dance and become immortalized in Fortnite!